Thursday, January 29, 2015

WNY MMA & Fitness: Keep Pushin' Towards Your Goal!

So, we are now a month into the new year, and we know what happens to those new years resolutions around this time right; they start to die out. It is definitely unfortunate to let your view of reality to hinder any progress that you may have had in the gym up to this point. Sometimes ladies, you get preoccupied with being judged by others, and that fear is what is hindering you transformation into the new you. No worries, I your friendly neighborhood wny mma & fitness article writer has a video that you should watch. Where did I get this video you ask, well it was during my scouring of the internet, for your benefit of-course. How awesome of a person am I.

Now before you get all judgemental and start saying stuff like "oh, the video has a bunch of those super skinny or super fit women that I can't relate too" on the contrary actually, the women in this video are curvy and if you identify with the women in this video, then it will serve as motivation for you to carry on with those new years resolutions. So for right now, kick back and relax. Check this video out and really soak it in, it may change your viewpoint of yourself. After that, well we have some awesome classes here at wny mma & fitness that you may absolutely love. If you want to get a sample of the gym, we have a groupon!

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