Wednesday, October 29, 2014

WNY MMA Conditioning & Womens Fitness

You can try to find a more well-rounded athlete in terms of overall fitness than a wny mixed martial arts fighter, but we doubt you’ll be able to.
A high level MMA fighter has the endurance to go five five-minute rounds with a little bit still left in the tank at the end; the power and strength to land lethal strikes and execute crippling submission holds; and the overall athleticism to master various fighting disciplines—from wrestling to karate to boxing. Not coincidentally, virtually all successful MMA fighters possess lean, athletic physiques to show for it. So if the WNY MMA & Fitness body type is what you’re after, why not train like a fighter?
“The types of workouts I do with my MMA athletes don’t require any running or aerobic work, because there’s no aerobic work done in a fight, only anaerobic,” says Corey Webster, head of strength and conditioning and kickboxing at WNY MMA and Fitness Mixed Martial Arts Academy in Buffalo, New York.
“We do sprint-based intervals, and by doing this, the guys respond faster to putting on muscle and losing body fat in addition to improving their cardio levels. But it’s not necessarily muscle mass they’re putting on—it’s more muscle density. Most of the exercises we do are big, compound, leg-based moves. In fighting, the guys are squatted down a lot and shooting in for takedowns, so these guys can’t afford to get tired legs.”
“[Websters] strength and conditioning program for me has been amazing,”. “I noticed results in my cardio after just one week—being able to spar longer and not be tired afterwards. I was also worried about having to cut weight, but I haven't had to do that at all, as the pounds just fell off naturally without having to change my diet, and I feel much stronger."
What does this tell you, come to WNY MMA and Fitness to get a heavy dose of MMA conditioning and get into incredible shape. Besides, who can say that they have the chance to train with pro fighters. 

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