Tuesday, September 30, 2014

WNY MMA VS Those Other Places

There's nothing like leaving the gym feeling like your entire body is on fire, its a good feeling. I'm not talking about scorching, I was the dummy to put on too much icy-hot and tiger balm. I mean the feeling that every muscle in your body has been thoroughly worked. It's one of the benefits of working out at Western New York MMA & Fitness. If we really took the time to compare your normal boring workout at "insert name here" fitness 180 degree twist, and that of a MMA gym; you would see that a MMA gym is the way to go for your fitness and strength goals.

  1. At an mma gym, there aren't many chances to slack off. When you walk through that door, it's business. There is a goal that you want to attain and it requires balls to the wall effort, It's not pretty and there aren't any juice bars. At a fitness center with spa, it's not about the fitness. There is equipment that can be used to attain a fitter you, but with all the amenities available to you, you will forget what you are truly there for. 
  2. There is someone in your face pushing you beyond the limits you set for yourself. Take the time to think about your normal fitness center with spa; when is anyone there who's soul purpose is to make you reevaluate your preconceptions of yourself, without having to wave money in his/her face for the daily service. At an mma gym, that is what you have 24/7.
  3. You know how at the fitness center, you just go there to run on the treadmill for like 45 minutes; then go home when you feel you've been there long enough, not happening at an mma gym. What you put into your workout when you are at the gym, is exactly what you are getting out. So when you are there not pushing because you don't want to get sweaty or tired, you aren't getting any benefit from it. But the girl next to you who is going for one more rep, She will benefit. So don't sell yourself short. 
There are just some of the many things that you will realize, once you start coming to an mixed martial arts gym. So lets get the introductions out of the way and come on over to WNY MMA & Fitness, You'll be greeted with a smile!

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