Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Exercise and longevity at WNY MMA & Fitness

Exercise and longevity at WNY MMA & Fitness

Some of you may not know, but my field of study is in social gerontology; its the study of the social, psychological and biological aspect of aging. I also love physical fitness, so what does this mean for you. This will give you some insight into how exercise and nutrition will guide you into your 'wise' years while still maintaining your health and activity levels. Training here at WNY MMA & Fitness will give you the building blocks to a healthier lifestyle that will carry you into active old age.
With proper exercise and nutrition, you can beat alot of the old age blues that you see around you. Because of the advancements of medicine and the research in nutrition and how it affects aspects of our health and livelihood, its definitely easy to see why our elderly are living longer. We have more people reaching the age of 100 and above, and its something that many of us may want for ourselves and our significant others. But the real thing is to be active as we age, and not being confined to a chair for the remainder of our lives. We are capable of reaching those old ages, unfortunately there are so many chronic ailments that are detrimental during that stage of life that it almost seems impossible, but it is. Through rigorous exercise a few times a week and proper diet, anyone can make it. So what does that mean for you, come to WNY MMA & Fitness and start working out here a few times a week. Stop eating at Mickey D's and drink less soda. 
No worries. By the time you are around this guys age, the life expectancy will definitely increase as it already has over the last few decades. Live on, live healthy, live strong. Come see us at WNY MMA & Fitness for some exercise. Oh and get your parents to come too, I guarantee that they will benefit from the exercise as well. 

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