Thursday, April 11, 2013

Enough with the "stress eating"

   Do you run to the fridge every time you get stressed? Women's fitness can be difficult to maintain with the stress of Western, NY. Here at WNY MMA & Fitness we have set up a set of tips to help you through those emotional times.

 1. Know your triggers. “Many people have hot spots for emotional eating, such as the living room couch or office desk,” says Susan Albers, PsyD, author of Eating Mindfully (New Harbinger, 2012). “Make a no-eating rule in those places so you have to eat somewhere else. This will help you stop the habit of overeating mindlessly in those spots.”

2. Shop smart. Limit the amount of comfort food you have available so you’re forced to address your emotions when they pop up instead of masking them with food.

3. Stock up on Veggies. They’re a low calorie food that helps keep your waist line in check while you indulge. Most veggies are low in sugar as well which is going to assist in turning your mood around.

4. Drink water throughout the day. Dehydration is stressful on the body and results in the same neurochemical cascade as emotional stress, which can cause you to overeat. In addition when most people believe they are hungry they are actually dehydrated.

5. Exercise regularly. Choose activities that you enjoy. Not only do frequent workouts help to keep stress in check, but looking forward to your workouts is another way of coping with stress.

6. Soothe your mood. Stress can be over-stimulating to your senses, so seek out other things that bring you comfort – besides food – such as taking a bath, playing a game, or turning off your cell phone.

   So the next time your stressing out, try to remember that the indulging is only masking and not solving anything! Get your mood in check and have an outlet such as some Women's fitness classes at WNY MMA & Fitness.

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