Wednesday, April 3, 2013

concerned about the upcoming beach season? Women's fitness at WNY MMA & Fitness can help!

   Just a couple short months before beach season is here! Are you concerned about how this season will be for you and your suit? WNY MMA & Fitness can assist you in reaching your goals! We know how tough it is to stay focused on the beach living in Western New York. We have put together a short list of things you should focus on over the next month or two.

   1. Burn fat! Kick your cardio into over drive. No I am not talking about moving your elipticle time from 10 minutes to 15. I am talking about bumping up the intensity. Set your self up to constantly change the intensity of your workout. For example; if you are a fan of the elipticle, set your pace for 5 minutes of standard pace and 5 minutes of a faster pace. By working hard for short periods of time you can push yourself harder than if you tried working at a high intensity for an extended period of time. In working yourself harder, you push your muscles, lungs and heart to their capacity, thereby improving your overall fitness level and, consequently, your body’s ability to burn fat.
   2. Good bye cellulite! First thing to do is learn what cellulite is. This will help you understand the process of eliminating it. Cellulite is like any other fat in your body, but the difference is in the way that it is stored in the body. In women’s bodies, the connective tissue that runs between the layers of skin is tighter and closer together than in men’s bodies and, as a result, forms several bucket-shaped chambers. Fat is then stored in these chambers and, once they fill up, the fat protrudes over the top of the chamber, creating lumps and bumps that appear through the skin.

3. Get ripped! now that you have been burning fat and getting rid of cellulite at WNY MMA & Fitness it is time to get your body that sculpted look, you need to do some strength training. Aside from making you look more toned, strength work also speeds up weight loss. This is because muscles require more energy than fat to function.

4. Cross train! Here at WNY MMA & Fitness each of our workouts is different and encourages cross training.
Cross-training refers to a program that involves combining strength work, aerobic work, stretching and relaxation. You’ll be using different muscles each day, which means you’ll be able to work out at an intense level without overstraining your body. It also means you’ll see quick results.
Here at WNY MMA & Fitness we take the guessing out of the equation and write each workout based on cross training and getting our ladies into the best possible shape!

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