Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Power in the proof

   If you have been searching for a place to get into Women's fitness in Buffalo and Western New York and are stumped where to go. Just go where the evidence points! At WNY MMA & Fitness we have undeniable results and testimonials.
   Here are a few of the ladies that attend Women's fitness in Buffalo and Western New York right here at WNY MMA & Fitness.


  • I don't know where Id be without WNY MMA and Fitness. Everyone there is so dedicated and motivated! Watching how hard everyone works/trains has pushed and pushed me to where I am physically. I feel so much healthier and energized since I've started Women's Fitness. I've lost 20lbs! Thanks Steve and Max for the encouragement! Thanks Dub for providing the best place to train in WNY! Let's Go!

Another amazing work out, whipping my ass into shape! Thank you Steve Horton — at WNY MMA and Fitness.

These are just a few of the many, many testimonials you will find all over facebook about Women's fitness in Western New York right here in Buffalo at WNY MMA & Fitness. So get up, log off, put the remote down. What ever it is that keeping you from your goals and get here!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Basic guide to getting started

Getting started is one of the most difficult things to do when it comes to Women's fitness in Western, NY. To make things easier our Women's fitness coach came up with a base plan for beginners to use, Here is a quick and easy guide to Women's fitness in Buffalo, NY! This is a basic plan for some of you struggling with getting started or staying on track with your fitness goals.

Meal Plan:

Basically you’re diet plan will consist of 4 main concepts:

1.   Small portions

2.   5-7 meals a day (3 major, with snacks in between)

3.   Meals between 2-3 hour intervals

4.   Never excluding any food group

a.   Protein

b.   Carbs

c.   Lipids (Fats)

You’re body needs all these nutrients to both maintain a healthy body while losing the weight effectively. One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to exercising and dieting is, “I should only do cardio and eat clean.” WRONG!!! Although dieting is a critical part of losing weight, muscle hypertrophy training ( increasing the size of skeletal muscle by resistance/body weight training) is the possibly the most important factor to getting the body you need. First let’s start with food.

The amount of protein that will be taken in on a daily basis will be between 50-100 grams, what that means is that each meal should consist of 10-20 grams (in proportion with the smaller meal plan). 

          For example: Make a fist, that is equivalent to a 20-25 gram chicken breast (protein)

                   Sources for Protein:

-          Chicken

-          Protein Shakes ( I personally recommend with a busy life)

-          eggs

-          Fish

-          Tuna

-          Beans/ peanuts

-          Greek Yogurt

As for Carbs (sugar), clearly we need to decrease the amount considering  “carbs are the enemy.” Although carbs are the enemy, the idea to completely exclude them is very dangerous. There are many reason why, my biggest issue is this; the brain uses sugar to function, so without glucose the brain can’t function correctly. The easiest way to get carbs is to substitute them with whole grain/complex carbs. These are much healthier and are absorbed differently which don’t affect your blood glucose levels (which is a prime concern with Diabetes).

          Every meal have some type of carb comparable to the size of your meat. NOT BIGGER!


-          Brown rice

-          Whole grain pasta

-          Sweet potatoes

-          BEANS

-          VEGETABLES

-          Fruit

For fats, generally you don’t need to worry about this because you get enough lipids from the meats you eat and other carbs. I must say that Lipids are very essential to the body for joints, heart, immunity and much more.

One of the most essential parts about losing weight is


Consume 5-8, 8 oz. water bottles a day. Without getting very scientific, water is one of the key factors for weight loss. Cells need water to function and when dieting, depriving your body of certain nutrients your cells need causes them to struggle. Water reciprocates for the loss of nutrients.

MEAL PLAN: Everything in Small Portions!!!!!!!!! (This is just a guide but 5 meals is the minimum to achieve results)

          Meal 1: protein shake immediately when you wake up

Meal 2: breakfast after protein shake

          Meal 3: 11-noon.. lunch consisting of recommended protein/vegetables           SMALL PORTIONS

          Meal 4: 2-3 p.m. a snack. fruits/sandwich

          Meal 5: possible protein shake BEFORE working out, apple, banana, yogurt

          Meal 6: protein shake IMMEDIATELY AFTER workout

          Meal 7: Dinner

          Meal 8: half a protein shake, possible vegetables/fruit before you go to bed


Throughout the day you’ll be consuming water, as long as you get 5-8 8oz. of water you’ll be fine.

Off day training without The Team

Now for the days you’re not training with me. You’re meal plan will stay the exact same.

Stretching is a must.

At the gym/running outside you’ll stick to a type of training called HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL otherwise known as


This training is very simple and very efficient.

At the gym your workouts will never be longer than 20-30 minutes, so what this consists of is:

-          5 minute warm up run on the elliptical

-          The next 15 minutes will be cycled as followed

o   30 second jog

o   30 second ALL OUT SPRINT

-          This is the most efficient way to stimulate fat burning Aerobic or oxidative state exercising

-          As we progress the overall time will get longer as well as the intervals of sprint

-          Cool down with a 1-2 minute jog

-          STRETCH AFTER

Without being complex you’re body needs 10-12 minutes to use the fat stored in your body as a fuel, hence “fat burning.” Once you’ve reached OXIDATIVE STATE you’re burning the fat. It seems confusing that you would want to burn the sugar since  sugar (carbs) are the culprit, but sugar is stored in the muscles and body as glycogen. Glycogen is our emergency fuel source and our first source converted to energy for exercise, but we want to maintain its levels for various reasons. The excess sugar is turned into fat and THAT is what we want to target!


Now, back to muscle hypertrophy. One of my favorite sayings “Dieting makes you look good in clothes, Resistance training makes you look good naked!” Our program is designed to get individuals strong and tone. The general physiology of muscles from the outside in, Muscle à Muscle fascicle à Muscle Fiber à Sarcomere. The sarcomere is what “tears” during training, and that is only torn during the LENGTHENING OF THE MUSCLE. Hence why I repeatedly bark, “All the way down, I want full range of motion.” The contraction part is only responsible for bringing blood flow back to the muscle to supply it with glucose, water, oxygen etc. SO FROM NOW ON UNLESS YOU DO FULL RANGE OF MOTION THE EXERCISE IS CONSIDERED WORTHLESS. Put it this way, 5 full range of motion pushups do more than 15 slightly bent arm pushups.

Body weight training is the prime candidate to achieve this. Our bodies are meant to support our weight while putting the minimal amount of torsion and pressure on our joints. Although I have trained powerlifts and body builders, in my experience and with science to support, body weight training has the smallest amount of injuries recorded with the most overall strength gained. Put it this way, I brought my one friend in to spar with me who has national records in his age group for powerlifting, and I tossed him around the ring.

The other reason we do whole body exercises is to burn the most calories and get into that oxidative state, a.k.a burning the fat. Women in general don’t have the desire to be considered, “Jacked.” They would prefer to be tone, firm and fit. Our program does exactly that.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Enough with the "stress eating"

   Do you run to the fridge every time you get stressed? Women's fitness can be difficult to maintain with the stress of Western, NY. Here at WNY MMA & Fitness we have set up a set of tips to help you through those emotional times.

 1. Know your triggers. “Many people have hot spots for emotional eating, such as the living room couch or office desk,” says Susan Albers, PsyD, author of Eating Mindfully (New Harbinger, 2012). “Make a no-eating rule in those places so you have to eat somewhere else. This will help you stop the habit of overeating mindlessly in those spots.”

2. Shop smart. Limit the amount of comfort food you have available so you’re forced to address your emotions when they pop up instead of masking them with food.

3. Stock up on Veggies. They’re a low calorie food that helps keep your waist line in check while you indulge. Most veggies are low in sugar as well which is going to assist in turning your mood around.

4. Drink water throughout the day. Dehydration is stressful on the body and results in the same neurochemical cascade as emotional stress, which can cause you to overeat. In addition when most people believe they are hungry they are actually dehydrated.

5. Exercise regularly. Choose activities that you enjoy. Not only do frequent workouts help to keep stress in check, but looking forward to your workouts is another way of coping with stress.

6. Soothe your mood. Stress can be over-stimulating to your senses, so seek out other things that bring you comfort – besides food – such as taking a bath, playing a game, or turning off your cell phone.

   So the next time your stressing out, try to remember that the indulging is only masking and not solving anything! Get your mood in check and have an outlet such as some Women's fitness classes at WNY MMA & Fitness.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

concerned about the upcoming beach season? Women's fitness at WNY MMA & Fitness can help!

   Just a couple short months before beach season is here! Are you concerned about how this season will be for you and your suit? WNY MMA & Fitness can assist you in reaching your goals! We know how tough it is to stay focused on the beach living in Western New York. We have put together a short list of things you should focus on over the next month or two.

   1. Burn fat! Kick your cardio into over drive. No I am not talking about moving your elipticle time from 10 minutes to 15. I am talking about bumping up the intensity. Set your self up to constantly change the intensity of your workout. For example; if you are a fan of the elipticle, set your pace for 5 minutes of standard pace and 5 minutes of a faster pace. By working hard for short periods of time you can push yourself harder than if you tried working at a high intensity for an extended period of time. In working yourself harder, you push your muscles, lungs and heart to their capacity, thereby improving your overall fitness level and, consequently, your body’s ability to burn fat.
   2. Good bye cellulite! First thing to do is learn what cellulite is. This will help you understand the process of eliminating it. Cellulite is like any other fat in your body, but the difference is in the way that it is stored in the body. In women’s bodies, the connective tissue that runs between the layers of skin is tighter and closer together than in men’s bodies and, as a result, forms several bucket-shaped chambers. Fat is then stored in these chambers and, once they fill up, the fat protrudes over the top of the chamber, creating lumps and bumps that appear through the skin.

3. Get ripped! now that you have been burning fat and getting rid of cellulite at WNY MMA & Fitness it is time to get your body that sculpted look, you need to do some strength training. Aside from making you look more toned, strength work also speeds up weight loss. This is because muscles require more energy than fat to function.

4. Cross train! Here at WNY MMA & Fitness each of our workouts is different and encourages cross training.
Cross-training refers to a program that involves combining strength work, aerobic work, stretching and relaxation. You’ll be using different muscles each day, which means you’ll be able to work out at an intense level without overstraining your body. It also means you’ll see quick results.
Here at WNY MMA & Fitness we take the guessing out of the equation and write each workout based on cross training and getting our ladies into the best possible shape!