Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Easy does it

   If you are in the world on Women's fitness in Buffalo, NY you know that around this time of year you may get a little carried away with your diet. I tend to find my self saying "No big deal, the new year if coming, I will just take if off then" I am here to tell you that this is a very, very bad idea!
   A resolution is only made to use as a "show and tell" "look at me" device that is quickly broken as soon as the novelty runs out. This is an opportunity to prove to your self that you want a different life style. Fight urges to slam down a second piece of pie. Stay away from the damn cookie platter and for gods sake you do not need another drink! Take a stand and get it together Women!
   Of course a bit of this is exaggerated. Be relaxed this holiday season and DO have a piece of pie. Know your limits and play with in it (hahahaha). Know that the stress of the holiday is a larger culprit to weight gain then the actual crap you plan to ingest. Play it cool folks!

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