Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holidays have you burned out? Consider Women's Fitness in Buffalo

Have the holidays taken a toll on your Women's fitness goals this year? Just about everyone I know that is involved in women's fitness in buffalo and Western New York has hit a wall this holiday season, allowing the stress to drag them into over sleeping, poor eating and awful depression.
Here are five tips to get you out of the holiday choke hold and back on track!

1. Laugh every chance you get! To often people get caught up in the wrong idea about holidays. This year just make it a point to laugh at everything. When I say "everything" I mean literally find things amusing that would of turned your head at before. CHEER UP!
2. Most people confuse "watching what they eat" with not eating at all or skipping meals. This holiday season do not skip meals and do not purposely skip over food because "you had to much earlier." Your body needs "fuel" to keep your metabolism burning, if you only eat once in a while your body will build a memory and begin to store these foods as fat because it does not know when you are going to eat again. Keep a steady pace of fuel on the fire and you will see a much bigger change then not eating.
3. Get off the couch! Just because you ate all day does not mean sit down and watch the fat build around your mid section. Get up help with the dishes or pick up around the house. Stay active instead of sitting idle most of the holiday season
4. Do not wait to start your "New years resolution" for Women's fitness. Start right now! As soon as it is some thing you want go get it. The longer you wait, the more likely it will be that you will continue to put it off.
5. You do not have to go to the gym to get a workout this holiday season. I know many gyms are closed or deserted for the holidays but you can still keep on top of things. Use things around the house as opportunity to exercise. Squats while brushing or lunges while sweeping. Stay active and do not stay idle.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Women’s Fitness and Cardio Kickboxing in Buffalo, NY

The combination of aerobics and cardio exercises found in Cardio Kickboxing and women’s fitness classes in Buffalo is one of the best workouts to improve balance, coordination, flexibility, and strength. The women’s fitness boot camp classes offered to women at WNY Mixed Martial Arts & Fitness is a unique fitness program that provides a challenging yet fun way to get in shape, gain self-confidence, and improve total health.

Every class aims to strengthen the muscles of the upper body, lower body and core through the use of natural body weight resistance, heavy bags, medicine balls, and training pads. The exercise routines are designed to target specific areas of the body while providing a total body workout through both resistance and cardiovascular exercises. This type of workout offers a number of benefits to women.

The women’s fitness program is open to adult females with any skill level. It does not matter if you are experienced in kickboxing or you are just getting started, the classes are designed to challenge members individually. The workouts are very intense and burn calories quickly. Participants of the women’s fitness classes can burn at least 500 calories with each class.

Because there is a large variety, the exercises do not become boring. Each class is unique, which makes this exercise program anything but monotonous. The kickboxing techniques employed in class also make for a great stress reliever. Punching and kicking is a wonderful way to let off steam while working several muscles simultaneously.

The fitness program that cardio kickboxing and women’s fitness Buffalo offers is an intense training program that aims to improve flexibility, coordination, balance, and strength through unique and challenging exercises. Feel confident that you’ll stay engaged throughout the entire high-calorie burning workout. Why continue with the same old gym routine when women’s fitness in Buffalo provides a better option? Get started today.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Combat Holiday Eating with Women's Fitness in Buffalo

This time of year, it is very easy to get caught up in holiday festivities and fitness often falls to the wayside. Parties and gatherings, baking, cooking -- the eating and drinking seems endless! Instead of making excuses this year, combat your holiday eating with Women's fitness in Buffalo! Decide now that you are not going to allow the holidays to dictate the start of your 2013. 

Why continue to gorge between Christmas and New Year's when you can get started on your resolutions early? Start focusing on your 2013 goals and get a jump start on all your friends. It is time to start moving forward with your fitness goals, and women's fitness classes in Buffalo at WNYMMA are a great way to get started.

Along with regular classes, here are some tips for staying on track through the rest of the holiday season:

1. Try not to overfill your plate. Take smaller portions and eat slowly. It take a few minutes for your brain to catch up with your stomach.

2. Increase your water intake over the holidays. Typically when you are feeling hungry its actually your body telling you that it is dehydrated. Aim to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water. Weigh 140 pounds? Drink at least 70 oz. of water a day.

3. Just because it's the 'best cheesecake Aunt Nancy has ever made' doesn't mean you have to try it. JUST SAY NO!

4. Napping is especially enjoyable around this time of year, especially on those days off from work. But continual napping can reek havoc on your system. Refrain from multiple naps during the day.Stay active and keep your metabolism high.

5. BE MERRY! Science has proven that laughter burns calories. By having fun and being merry you will increase oxygenation to your blood cells which in turn support your digestion and metabolism.

Stay in the holiday spirit and get started with your fitness goals early. With women's fitness in Buffalo, now both are possible!