Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How Women Can Build Muscle Fast!

If you're a woman trying to build muscle fast, these tips can get you to your goals. Since gaining lean muscle mass rapidly requires changes to both your workout and diet, consider a resistance training plan that works all your major muscle groups and a diet that contributes to muscle building.

Tailor Your Workout

How Women Can Build Muscle Fast
Female athlete. Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Digital Vision/Getty Images
For rapid muscle building, women need programs tailored to their gender. Testosterone and growth hormone have a significant effect on muscle building, but women have much less of this hormone in their body. Weight training stimulates women's bodies to produce greater amounts of these two hormones, allowing you to gain muscle much more rapidly than other types of exercise.

Use Myofibrillar Hypertrophy

How Women Can Build Muscle Fast
Lifting weights. Photo Credit iofoto/iStock/Getty Images
Myofibrillar hypertrophy is a type of exercise that builds muscle. This exercise involves using relatively heavy weights and performing sets of two to eight repetitions. A shorter number of repetitions with a heavier weight increases both the quantity and size of the muscle fibers, resulting in more lean body mass. When you reach the seventh or eighth repetition, the weight should be too heavy for you to lift easily. Pushing your muscles to the point of exhaustion stimulates testosterone release and increases microtrauma of the muscle fibers. Microtrauma involves small tears in the muscle cells, and your body will respond by repairing and replacing the damaged fibers with stronger and larger tissue/

Use Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

How Women Can Build Muscle Fast
Dumbbell chest press exercise. Photo Credit Chris Clinton/Photodisc/Getty Images
In addition to increasing the size and number of muscle fibers, you can also increase the fluid within muscle cells, allowing them to grow larger. This type of training shows the greatest results in beginners and leads to fast gains within a few weeks of training. With sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, you engage in circuit training with 12 to 15 repetitions per exercise and a minute or less of rest between sets. Choose three or four exercises and perform them back-to-back. Some of the more effective exercises include incline dumbbell chest press and chest fly, bench dips and dumbbell side raises. This type of training does not cause muscle fatigue, but instead stimulates the body to produce more growth hormone for muscle building.

    Outside the Gym

    How Women Can Build Muscle Fast
    Banana and peanut butter. Photo Credit Olga Nayashkova/iStock/Getty Images
    Your workouts make up the primary way to build muscle. However, rest and diet also contribute to building muscle. Rest gives your body time to repair and build muscles, so experts recommend 48 to 72 hours between workouts. Additionally, eating before and after a workout contribute to muscle gain. About an hour to 90 minutes before a workout, eat a snack that contains about 50/50 carbohydrates and protein. Examples include a banana with a tablespoon of nut butter, energy bars made with fruits and nuts, or a half sandwich with whole grain bread and roasted turkey. You'll want to replenish the body's stores of glucose and protein within 30 minutes post-exercise. Low-fat chocolate milk and bananas with peanut butter make up easy options for a protein and carbohydrate-rich post-workout meal. These foods contribute to lean body mass building.

    Thursday, December 17, 2015

    Why Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women

    One thing I notice in my private practice is that women in relationships with men constantly complain that their hubby or boyfriend can eat more without gaining weight, or that he can drop pounds faster. It’s unfair but definitely true. When it comes to nutrition and weight loss, men and women truly are like apples and oranges. Just how great is the divide? Take this quiz to find out and read on for some tips designed to help you level the field:
    1) If a man and woman are the same height, how many more calories will he burn per day:
    A) 0 - they burn the same amount

    B) 10 percent

    C) 20 percent  

    Answer: C. Because men have more muscle mass, they burn about 20 percent more calories doing nothing, even at the same height, and men are on average 5 inches taller than women, which further widens the calorie burning gap. 

    Tip: If you “split” an appetizer, dessert or pizza, make it a 60/40 or 70/30 share rather than 50/50.
    2) If a man and woman of average height and weight both walk on treadmills at 4 miles per hour for 1 hour, how many more calories will he burn:
    A) 25

    B) 50

    C) 75
    Answer: B. According to the latest stats, the average American man weighs 26 pounds more than the average woman, which allows him to burn slightly more calories per hour. 

    Make up the difference by cutting an extra 50 calories. For example, trade mayo for hummus on a sandwich or swap orange juice for a whole orange.
    3) To support “ideal body weight” how many more servings of grains does an average man need per day compared to a woman?

    A) 1 more

    B) 2 more

    C) 3 more
    Answer: C. One serving of grains is equal to one slice of bread or a half cup of cooked brown rice. Most women need no more than six servings per day or no more than two per meal, perhaps less if you’re petite or less active.

    To fill up your plate without overloading on carbs, replace half of your starchy serving with chopped or shredded veggies or wrap a sandwich in crisp romaine leaves instead of bread.

    4) True or false: men and women’s brains work differently when exposed to enticing foods:
    A) True

    B) False
    Answer: A, at least from what the research indicates. One study looked at the favorite foods of 13 women and 10 men, which included lasagna, pizza, brownies, ice cream and fried chicken. After they fasted for 20 hours, the subjects underwent brain scans while being presented with their favorite foods, but they weren’t allowed to eat them. The researchers found that after the sneak peek the women's brains still acted as if they were hungry, but the men's did not. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why but they have a few theories. The first is that the female brain may be hard-wired to eat when food is available because women need nutrition to support pregnancy. The second is that female hormones may react differently with the part of the brain linked to triggering or suppressing hunger.

    One smart strategy is to keep a food diary, even if it's only temporary. Most of us underestimate how much we eat and even forget about some of the foods we mindlessly munch on. Writing it down is like a reality check for our built-in biological drivers.
    Bottom line: There are significant differences between men and women. For example, when I think that my husband’s ideal weight is almost 100 pounds more than mine I don’t get as frustrated by the fact that he can eat more, because it’s just physics. Some of my female clients like the following analogy because it helps them keep things in perspective: Eating with a guy is like going shopping with a friend who makes a lot more money than you – maybe you can’t spend as much, but you can still enjoy the experience, and if you make peace with the fact that you don’t have the same budget, it can be very freeing rather than causing you angst.

    Originally posted by Shape.com 

    Wednesday, December 9, 2015

    Womens Nutrition Guide To Eating And Loosing Weight

    You often hear that nutrition is key to obtain the body you've always dreamed of. It's not a lie! Your nutrition will help you build your body according to your goals; lose fatget toned or maintain your weight.
    Gymaholic provides you a nutrition plan that can be used for getting toned or lose fat.
    The food you eat provide you the energy necessary to perform your workout properly. But good nutrition plays also a big role inmuscle toning and recovery after a workout. 
    This nutrition plan will contain all the meals necessary to get your dream body!

    Calories Are What Matters The Most In A Nutrition Plan

    Whether you want to get toned, lose fat or maintain your weight, nutrition will play a big role during this process! Your nutrition is what fuels your body with food, which is measured in calories.
    You caloric consumption will determine what kind of body you will obtain:
    • Get Toned: Toning your muscles means; building lean muscle mass progressively without getting too much fat. In order to do so, you will have to eat more calories than you burn, often called: caloric surplusIf you increase your calories too quickly, your body will store fat. This why it's important to do it progressively, so you can track your progress and avoid looking bulky.
    • Maintain Weight: This is when you burn as many calories as you consume, often called: calorie maintenance. Knowing the caloric intake you need in order to maintain your weight is the starting point. From there, you can determine how you would have to eat in order to tone your body or lose fatUse this calorie calculator!
    • Lose Fat: If you want to lose fat, you will have to burn more calories than you consume, often called: caloric deficit. It's when your body uses fat stores for energy, which leads to weight loss. Be aware, the body can also use muscle tissue; which isbad. This is why you must lose fat progressively, if you're doing it too quickly you will kill your health and most certainly give up.

    Explanations Of Macronutrients Ratio

    Macronutrients are nutrients that our body needs in large amount: CarbohydrateProtein and Fat. It's important to define the right macronutrient ratio according to your fitness goal; whether you want to tone your body or lose fat.
    In short words, this ratio will depend on:
    • Your Fitness Goal: If you want to burn fat, you won't have the same macronutrient ratio that someone who wants to tone up.
    • Your Body Type: Some people tend to gain more weight than other. They should consume less carbohydrates and fats than the ones having a hard time toning up.
    • Your Gender: Women are generally more efficient at burning fat and would often consume less carbohydrates than men.

    Macronutrients Ratio According To Your Fitness Goals

    During this women's nutrition plan we will define a general macronutrient ratio for each fitness goal: toning, burning fat and maintaining weight. Like said earlier, we all have different body types, so it will be your job to slightly change this ratio if your body doesn't respond to it.
    The macronutrient ratios are:
    • Muscle Toning: Carbohydrate 40% - Protein 40% - Fat 20%
    • Maintain Weight: Carbohydrate 35% - Protein 35% - Fat 30%
    • Burn Fat: Carbohydrate 30% - Protein 40% 
    Woman eating salad

    There Is Good Fat In This Nutrition Plan

    "I want to lose fat, shouldn't I avoid eating fat?". This is good question, in fact there is several type of fats. Some are bad and others are required by your body. I recommend you to read this article: good fat versus bad fat.

    Eating Healthy Is Not The Key Factor To Good Nutrition

    "Eat fruits, vegetables and drink water and everything will be all right". This is what you read in magazines or on the internet. However, that sentence is not completely true. These days, eating healthy means consuming foods low in fat and high in micronutrients; vitamins and minerals.
    Indeed foods with vitamins make you have a better health. However, you can eat all the healthy food of the world, but if you don't hit your daily macronutrient; you won't get the results you want. Does it make sense?
    In short words; calories are calories. If you want to achieve your fitness goals you will have to first worry about yourmacronutrients, whether it's with "healthy food" or not. It's pure science!

    The More Often You Eat, The Better You Will Feel

    We all know that person that tried every diet that exists on earth and always give up because it's too hard. Nowadays, diets are all about food restrictions so you feel guilty if you eat one more rice grain than indicated. But again, what is really important there is your ability to hit your daily macronutrient.
    Whether you want to lose some weight or tone your body, we will aim for 3 main meals and 1-2 snacks. However, if you can attain your calories in less meals, feel free to do it.
    Why? Because eating every 3-4 hours will allow you to never feel hungry, which will help you to stop craving junk food.
    This women's nutrition plan will be an example, so you can organize it according to your schedule. It's very important to eat something between your main meals and once again hit your macronutrients!

    Daily Calorie Intake For Women

    You calorie intake depends on your age, height, gender and how often you exercise weekly. I recommend you to try a calorie calculator.
    For a healthy woman with a balanced diet, who is moderately active it's recommended to eat between 1800 and 2200 calories. We will start with these numbers.

    Converting Percentage To Grams

    It's very easy to calcule how many grams you should have for each macronutrient.
    First you need to know how many calories contain each macronutrient :
    • Carbohydrate: 4 Calories per gram
    • Protein: 4 Calories per gram
    • Fats: 9 Calories per gram
    Then, let's take 2200 calories as an example and our macronutrient ratio for maintaining weight:
    • 35% Carbohydrate -> 2200 x 0.35 / 4 = 192.5g
    • 35% Protein -> 2200 x 0.35 / 4 = 192.5g
    • 30% Fat -> 2200 x 0.3 / 9 = 73.3g

    Cheat Meals And Women's Nutrition Plan

    You can reward yourself with one cheat meal per week, where you won't count your calories at all; yes you deserve it! 
    Woman eating fresh salad

    Women's Nutrition Plan To Maintain Weight

    This women's nutrition plan will be the basis for the other ones, so take notes. Just a few changes will be made in order to hit your macronutrients.
    Download the women's nutrition plan!

    Nutrition Facts

    • Carbohydrate: 35%
    • Protein: 35%
    • Fat: 30%
    • Calories: 2200 calories
    • Meal 1 - Breakfast (470 calories)
      • 250ml Skimmed Milk (1 glass)
      • 1 Large Banana
      • 20g Oats
      • 32g Peanut Butter (2 Tablespoons)
    • Snack 1 - Morning (350 calories)
      • 40g Almonds
      • 1 Apple
    • Meal 2 - Lunch (500 calories)
      • 60g White Basmati Rice
      • 100g Carrots
      • 200g Broccoli
      • 1 Chicken Fillet
    • Snack 2 - Pre-workout (250 calories)
    • Snack 3 - Post-Workout (250 calories)
    • Meal 3 - Dinner (380 calories)
      • 200g Green Beans
      • 1 Salmon Fillet Frozen
      • 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

    Women's Nutrition Plan To Get Toned

    The women's nutrition plan to get toned will use the same organization as the maintenance one. However, we will make acaloric surplus with a few changes in the meals.
    Download the women's nutrition plan!

    Nutrition Facts

    • Carbohydrate: 40%
    • Protein: 40%
    • Fat: 20%
    • Calories: 2500 calories

    What food has been added or removed from the maintenance nutrition plan?

    • Meal 1 - Breakfast
    • Snack 1 - Morning
      • 20g Almonds instead of 40g
      • 250g Greek Yoghurt 0%
    • Meal 2 - Lunch
      • 200g Carrots instead of 100g
    • Snack 2 - Pre-workout
      • 375ml Skimmed Milk (1,5 glass) instead of 250ml
    • Snack 3 - Post-workout
      • 250ml Skimmed Milk (1 glass)
      • 1 Large Banana instead of 0.5
    • Meal 3 - Dinner
      • 100g Carrots
      • 1,5 Salmon Fillet Frozen instead of 1

    Women's Nutrition Plan To Lose Fat

    The women's nutrition plan for losing fat will use the same structure as the maintenance one. However, we will make a caloric deficit with a few changes in the meals.
    Download the women's nutrition plan!

    Nutrition Facts

    • Carbohydrate: 30%
    • Protein: 40%
    • Fat: 30%
    • Calories: 1950 calories

    What food has been added or removed from the maintenance nutrition plan?

    • Meal 1 - Breakfast
      • Oats removed instead of 20g
      • 48g Peanut Butter (3 Tablespoons) instead of 32g
      • 1 Apple instead of 1 large banana
    • Snack 1 - Morning
    • Meal 2 - Lunch
      • White Basmatic Rice removed instead of 60g
      • 300g Broccoli instead of 200g
      • 200g Carrots instead of 100g
    • Meal 3 - Dinner
      • 100g Carrots
      • 0.5 Tablespoon Olive Oil instead of 1

    You Can Download Each Women's Nutrition Plan

    In Conlusion

    This women's nutrition plan will help you get toned and lose fat, but remember this should be used as an example of how you structure your meals. We all have different bodies, it's important to listen to it.
    Let's summarize what we've just learned:
    • Nutrition is key to obtain the body you want!
    • Change your daily calorie intake according to your fitness goals.
    • Watch your macronutrient ratio and listen to your body.
    • Calories are calories. Care less about whether it is healthy or not and hit your macronutrients.
    • Indeed, eating healthy is good for your body, but if you're on a cheap diet you can't always go healthy.
    • This women's nutrition plan is an example, change it to what you can afford.
    • Take time to prepare your meal plan according to your schedule.
    I Don't Diet, I Eat According To My Goals!

    Tuesday, December 1, 2015

    How Womens Fitness Differs From Men

    Women can be just as fit as men, but that level of "fitness" will never quite be the same. Women's bodies are different from men's. Not only do men and women have different levels of hormones, but the amount of fat and muscle in their bodies is very different as well. Your goal should be to work out for you, according to your gender, body mass and target goals!

    Where Men and Women DifferIt's not just the sex organs that are different among men and women, but there are a few marked differences:
    • Testosterone -- Men have higher levels of testosterone than women, and women have higher levels of estrogen than men. Testosterone is the hormone that helps the human body to pack on muscle, while estrogen leads to the growth of fat cells, along with all of the other markers of female sexuality. Women have a harder time packing on the muscle due to higher levels of estrogen and lower levels of testosterone.
    • Weight Loss -- What is the most effective way to burn fat and lose weight? Build muscle! The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you will burn every day and the faster your metabolism will run. Seeing as men have an easier time building larger, more active muscle, it stands to reason that men will have an easier time losing weight as well. The same quality and amount of workout will often yield better results in men than in women.
    • Flexibility -- This is one area where women always take the cake. Women are naturally more flexible than men, as their bones are shorter and have less pronounced corners. The female body tends to be more rounded, and the bones around the pelvis are more flexible than men's pelvic bones.
    • Muscle Mass -- Men naturally pack on more muscle mass than women, due simply to their higher testosterone levels. If you measured the body mass index of the average man against an average woman of the same weight, the man will usually have a lower body mass index (indicating greater muscle mass).
    • Body Mass Index -- The body mass index determines the ratio of fat to total body weight. Women tend to have a higher body mass index (meaning more fat), but a "healthy" BMI for women is about 5% higher than for men. This is because the fat on a woman's body is important for healthy reproductive function.

    What does this mean?

    Basically, it means that men have a slightly easier time getting in shape than women do. Men can build muscle more easily, which will in turn help them to lose weight and get in shape. Men also have more strength than women, and they can handle heavier loads more quickly.

    That doesn't mean that women can't get in shape as well. It just means that they need to find a workout program that plays to their strengths, and they shouldn't try to compete with their fellow man. If you're not seeing the same amounts of gain as your boyfriend/husband/male friend, don't worry about it! Your bodies are designed differently, and what is "fit" to you is not the same as his definition of "fitness". 

    originally posted by fitday.com