Friday, September 6, 2013

Abs are made in the kitchen?

   While walking around recently I can not help but notice all of these bumper stickers, posters and facebook posts stating "abs are made in the kitchen not the gym" or "Abs, 70% kitchen 30% gym". I hope I can get some great responses back from this blog and my view on the topic.
   "Abs" as we love calling them, are not created in the kitchen! They are simply uncovered in the kitchen. The statement is simply a marketing tool to assist with the selling of the hottest new diet plan. Does eating a healthier, cleaner diet help with losing the fat around your stomach? Sure does! How often though do you see the incredibly skinny kid with his shirt off and it looks like his stomach is just an extension of his flat chest? This is because he forgot to re up his dues at WNY MMA & Fitness! He has yet to develop muscle underneath that skin.
   When a women is going for that "6 pack" it is more difficult then it is for a male. We all know this fact yet think we can follow the same rules and achieve the same results? How is this so? A women that is going to want "6 pack abs" had better worry a little more about hitting the gym and less about how she can stay under 1200 calories for the day!
   Instead of following the hype that hitched a ride on the back of the prius in front of you, try learning about your body and what YOU require to get the results YOU want! One of the funniest things I have heard this week was a Women talking to another Women telling her about all of these rules of her diet as if it were a 30 page article. Yet, when I asked her why she couldn't have pasta or a bagel her response was "well, because it would be breaking my diet". Are you serious? Your subject your self to this constant stress of "breaking the rules" why not learn why your following a cult of crazed no result birds. Learn what is in your food, why your body needs it or does not need it.
   Everyone reading this blog knows how to make healthier choices in the kitchen. Why do you need someone to tell you again what you already know? Everyone wants a short cut, that's why. In addition one of the biggest secrets of people "on a diet" is they enjoy the comfort and attention they are receiving by telling people they are on that diet. They enjoy being a part of "the club". The next time you see a super healthy girl walking around the gym ask her "what diet are you on?" Her response will most likely be "I don't know I just make healthier choices" and on the other side of the room will be the no result flock of birds just "tagging along" all talking about how many calories they took in or what the one secret rule to abs is. I can give you the secret and set free the stress of not knowing how to get "abs"... ready... here it comes...                                                                      WORK HARD MAKE BETTER CHOICES!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Benefits of Women's Only Fitness Boot Camp in Buffalo

Nowadays, exercise is important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and women’s only fitness boot camp in Buffalo can help do just that. Individuals looking to reduce weight and improve body shape and muscle tone can accomplish that and a whole lot more. Women's only fitness classes in Buffalo have greatly increased in popularity because it is both challenging and fun. Classes involve martial arts and other boxing techniques as well as cardiovascular exercise, weight resistance training and aerobics, which are all designed to help improve flexibility, coordination and balance in the body.

This sport has proven reliable for ladies due to the skills and martial arts techniques gained. A reputable and experienced skilled trainer is available to help learners adopt new styles and moves that can help their expertise. There are different techniques and skills taught in these classes depending on the interest and needs of trainees.

Women’s only fitness boot camp in Buffalo has proven reliable in relieving stress in a big way. During each class, participants will make use of conventional bags and training pads for training. Free weight exercises will also be used to help participants gain muscle strength. The kickboxing techniques employed are beneficial in increasing muscle tone while improving flexibility and endurance.

The exercises are not difficult to grasp and the trainers ensure that students get the best value for their money. The organization has quality and durable facilities that trainees will find suitable during their training sessions. The sport is beneficial especially when individuals want to defend themselves from any attack or fight.

The women's only fitness boot camp in Buffalo provides different martial arts skills and techniques taught depending on how fast and effective individuals master the different skills. This intense total body workout is beneficial for burning calories in the body and reducing weight for a healthier look and feel.