Monday, July 29, 2013

Benefits of Women's Fitness Boot Camp WNY

Women’s only fitness boot camps in WNY are a fantastic way to lose weight, tone muscles and get in shape. Women’s fitness boot camps are designed to provide women with a total body workout during each and every class. Boot camps are designed to challenge participants No matter their current fitness level. Rest assured you won’t find a more intense fitness class than women's fitness boot camp in WNY.

Classes utilize a combination of martial arts, aerobics and kickboxing. The combination of these different workout types greatly improves flexibility, balance, coordination and strength while at the same time ensuring a unique regimen which participants find both fun and challenging. Within each class, participants make use of conventional heavy bags and pads as well as natural body resistance.

Exercises during class are designed to target both the upper and lower body as well as the core muscles, thereby providing a true total workout through both resistance training and cardiovascular exercise. All skill levels are accommodated, so whether you are just getting started or have experience with fitness boot camp, you will be challenged.

Women’s only fitness boot camps in WNY are greatly increasing in popularity because they not only provide a total body workout, but also utilize a vast variety of exercises during classes—with women’s only fitness, you’ll never experience the same class twice. Unique classes remove the ‘boredom’ factor that is often associated with long-term exercise regimens.

This one-of-a-kind workout program focuses on targeting all areas of the body in order to improve overall muscle strength.  Participants will not only see an improvement in muscle tone, but weight loss and a reduction in stress are also experienced. Kicking and punching techniques learned also provide basic self-defense skills.

If you are sick of the same old workout routine and are searching for a way to lose, weight and get in shape, consider women’s only fitness boot camp in WNY. The time to begin a healthier lifestyle is now.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Be happy with you

   Where does a person draw the line between unhealthy addiction to fitness and weight loss and becoming a well rounded, happy, healthy person? Maintaining a strict regimen can be difficult and stressful to the body. As well as attempting to make drastic changes in your diet and life. One thing that can work for you is finding a great Women's fitness program in Western New York! At WNY MMA & Fitness not only do we have a great set of coaches that will walk you through the camp but they will also assist you in making great decisions on how to not "over do it".

   Earlier I was reading through a few blogs on Women's fitness and learning a few new ideas when I came across a pretty good blog written by "Swigg". The article is easy to read and helpful. I wanted to take the opportunity to share it with the WNY MMA & Fitness community as well as anyone out there in the Women's fitness in Western New York community. 

Happy Weight
Some thoughts on weight: I think any of us can be healthy and happy, or very unhealthy and unhappy, at a surprising range of weights. Your "ideal" weight will be one that you can keep without any extreme behaviors. If you're exhausted, overtraining, and undereating to maintain a particular weight, that is not your happy weight and it's definitely not ideal. You can't expect your body or your mind to sustain a level of stress and pain indefinitely. A happy weight is actually happy. You feel good, you're not hungry all the time, not chronically sore, not living in fear of gaining weight if you make one wrong move. Maintaining your happy weight will require awareness, but not vigilance, not fear. You shouldn't be walking around feeling like you're always on the brink of disaster. You should have confidence in your ability to handle all of life's curveballs (vacations, injuries, illnesses, work drama, in-laws) without weight gain being a factor. In other words, your happy weight shouldn't be dependent on adhering to a strict schedule or only eating certain foods.

Much of this is related to mindset, because beliefs tend to produce certain outcomes. When I believed that could never weigh less than 135 pounds without months of extreme dieting and grueling training, that was true for me. It wasn't true because it's such an unrealistic weight but because my approach wasn't healthy or sustainable. Months of hard training while undereating always led to binges, rebellion, and regain. My behaviors and attitude were the problem, not anything about that particular weight. When I approached it in a totally different way--healthy habits, fun, flexibility, gradual changes--my weight easily settled lower than I ever thought possible. I'm working out less, enjoying my food more, and not doing anything nuts. There's no stress response to keeping this lower weight because there's no stress. Nothing hurts. There are no nagging injuries, no lingering fatigue, no chronic soreness. I'm well rested and I'm well fed. 

My advice is to focus on health, happiness, and habits first. Don't fall into the trap of judging success or self-worth by a number. If you make it all about great, enjoyable daily habits, you might be surprised how easily you maintain a lower weight, or how fantastically awesome you look and feel at a slightly higher one.